Primordial Sea Clay Pack | Ancient Sea Healing Spa Services, Sedona, Verde Valley, AZ

Ancient Sea Healing Spa Services

Healing Waves Massage™
Craniosacral Therapy
Spa Services & Products

Experience the Awakening of your Inner Sea

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Primordial Sea Clay Pack


  • Supports Reduction of inflammation
  • Tones, smoothes and purifies the skin
  • Aids in detoxification

Bentonite Clay (montmorillonite), volcanically formed in an ancient sea bed, is featured in this treatment.

Your treatment begins with soothing body brushing to exfoliate the skin and stimulate circulation. Next, healing clay paste is generously applied. Enveloped in a clay cocoon, your skin gently pulsates as toxins are drawn from your system. An integrative healing massage completes your treatment.

Full Body Pack: 1.5 hrs $175

This treatment is also offered as a Localized Pack for injuries or specific areas in need of healing.
Localized Pack: $85

Clay has been used in healing by indigenous cultures for millennia. Some scientists believe clay provided the Primordial Womb for the formation of the earth’s first single-celled organisms. (See November 12, 2005 and Oct. 21, 1999)

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